judith adelmann upcoming
like your curvy waves oh buoy! take me to the river (I) like your curvy waves gems (I have discovered a miracle above the rain) aspiration - complacency kills Rocky Fountains in that sweet cool darkness stöpsel a shadow of a touch off island life savers pool
cv contact/impressum
Judith Adelmann aspiration blue ceramics installation

_aspiration @POSITIONS Art Fair Berlin 2021, glazed ceramics, ready-mades, rubber, silicone, installation size variable © Photo: POSITIONS Berlin GmbH, credits Clara Wenzel-Theiler

_Open Studios – Städtisches Atelierhaus – Baumstraße 85 Rückgebäude – 13.+14.7.2024 – 15-20 Uhr

Judith Adelmann-like your curvy waves-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-like your curvy waves-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-like your curvy waves-glazed ceramics-installation Untertitel

_like your curvy waves 2022/23, installation views at Lothringer 13 Halle Munich: 'From Animal to Mineral', curated by Magdalena Wisniowska, glazed ceramics, steel, ready mades, various sizes © Photos: Thomas Splett

Link to Exhibition

_BEYOND THE MATTER - Impressions of Eva Hesse @Galerie der Künstler:innen, July 25 - August 27, OPENING: July 25 6-10 pm

Judith Adelmann-oh buoy-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-oh buoy-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-oh buoy-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-oh buoy-glazed ceramics-installation Untertitel

_oh buoy! 2023, installation views at Galerie der Künstler:innen, Munich, glazed ceramics, porcelaine, robes, cabels, drawings, plastic wrap, various sizes © Photos: Leonie Felle
_Funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds (NeustartPlus-Stipendium)

Judith Adelmann take me to the river Photocollage

_take me to the river @park @Galerie Britta Rettberg – March 17 - April 1 2023 // Link to Gallery // Link to Artviewer

Judith Adelmann take me to the river installation ceramics Untertitel

_take me to the river, 2023, installation views at Britta Rettberg, Munich, glazed ceramics, chrome, photocollages, poster, plastic table cloths, various sizes © Photos: Dirk Tacke
_Funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds (NeuspartPlus-Stipendium)

Judith Adelmann-i like your curvy waves-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-i like your curvy waves-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-i like your curvy waves-glazed ceramics-installation Judith Adelmann-i like your curvy waves-glazed ceramics-installation Untertitel

_(I) like your curvy waves 2022, installation views at Vent gallery, Munich, glazed ceramics, steel, various sizes © Photos: Thomas Splett
_Funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds (Neustart-Stipendium) and Erwin und Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung

Bild 1 Judith Adelmann gems glazed ceramics installation Bild 2 Judith Adelmann gems glazed ceramics installation Bild 3 Judith Adelmann gems glazed ceramics installation Bild 4 Judith Adelmann gems glazed ceramics installation Untertitel

_gems (I have discovered a miracle above the rain) 2021, installation views at Space called Lucky, Inning, glazed ceramics, steel chain, various sizes
_Funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds (Neustart-Stipendium) and Bayern Innovativ

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_Aspiration – complacency kills 2019, installation views at AdBK Munich, glazed ceramics, linoleum, ready-mades, rubber, silicone, painted mdf, sound, installation size variable © Photo: Fabian Beger


_Rocky Fountains 2019, installation views at Jahn und Jahn Munich, ceramics, rubber, silicone, sheet steel, installation size variable ©Jahn und Jahn Munich, Photos: Ulrich Gebert


_in that sweet cool darkness 2018, installation views at AdBK Munich, glazed ceramics, hardfoam, steel, webbings, various sizes


_stöpsel 2017, installation views at AdBK Munich, ceramics, hardfoam, chrome, size variable


_a shadow of a touch off 2017, installation views at Galerie Soy Capitán Berlin, glazed ceramics, chromed steel, size variable, floating tires: 42 x 42 x 12 cm © Photo: Galerie Soy Capitán Berlin


_floating tire 2016, glazed ceramic, 42 x 42 x 12 cm

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_island 2016, installation views at AdBK Munich 2016, glazed ceramics (12 pieces, 20 x 32 cm), galvanized steel, foam, wood, pastel color drawing behind glass

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_life savers 2016 (in three parts), installation views at Erg:Galerie Brussels, concrete, foam, plastic, carton, aluminum, wood; board 2016, wood, paper, aluminium, 250  x 100 cm; concrete 2016, 30 x 45 cm


_pool 2016, installation views at Wolke Brussels, glazed ceramic, foam, silicone, metal, 140 x 120 x 90 cm

Please contact me to get the full portfolio

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  © Judith Adelmann, all rights reserved, 2024
  Last update: 2024